Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Web Site is Back!

Hello All!
The web site is back up, at least in partial form.
You will find a homepage, calendar of events, and a small photo album.
Please go to

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 15th: Handbell Concert at Riverside Park United Methodist

SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2011
3 o'clock in the afternoon
Riverside Park United Methodist Church
819 Park Street
Chapel Ringers and Chancel Ringers of Riverside Park United Methodist Church
First Coast Ringers, guest community choir.
Rodney Cleveland, guest organist
Free and open to the public. Nursery provided.

May 13: The St. Augustine Community Orchestra Spring Concert

Click on the image for a larger view.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

May 13th Masterclass and May 14th Concert at St. Anastasia Catholic Church

Songs for St. Augustine
This Concert is Free And Open To The Public.
Please Join Us!
5205 A1A South, Anastasia Island, Saint Augustine
Gregory Sheppard is a bass opera singer and concert artist based in New York City.  His website, provides much additional information.

He and his pianist, Byron Sean, have just agreed to lead a vocal and piano masterclass the preceding evening, Friday May 13th from 7-9 PM at St. Anastasia Catholic Church.  Please extend the invitation to the AGO community!   Singers and pianists are invited to participate and all are welcome to attend.  The participation deadline is next Friday, May 6th and there is a $25 fee.  Interested performers should contact Peter Morin, Director of Music, at

St. Anastasia Church

Thursday, April 28, 2011

May 1, 2011 at 2:30 PM: Bradley Hunter Welch at Hendricks Ave Baptist Church

Bradley Hunter Welch, organ

Sunday, May 1 at 2:30 PM
For a bio of Bradley, visit

This concert is the final event of the Polyphony Conference (, an annual gathering of pastoral musicians that provides a forum to learn from both musicians and theologians. Our special guests are André Thomas, Anne Jernberg and Bradley Welch. For more information, visit

The Jacksonville Chapter of the American Guild of Organists is  contributing to this event.

Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church is located at 4001 Hendricks Avenue.  The concert is free and open to the public. 904-396-7745

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

June 7: Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers

Event: Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers
When: Tuesday, June 7, 2011  Hors d'oeuvres at 6:30 with an Italian Feast at 7:00
Where: Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church at 8523 Normandy Boulevard, 32221
Cost: $15.00 per person
Reservations are necessary! Get yours by calling 786-1192 x224. Please leave your reservation on Eileen's voice mail rather than with the church office or on the church's general mail box.